The Royal Leopold Lodge No1669 A London Masonic Lodge under MetGL & UGLE

General Purpose Meetings

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General purpose meetings are held at least twice a year. The committee advises the Master on a number of matters including setting the agenda for the next regular Lodge meetings, interviewing prospective candidates for Freemasonry and the general well being of the lodge.

Membership of the committee is defined in the Lodge by-laws and includes the Master, his Wardens, Past Masters, officers of the Lodge and two members appointed at the September Lodge meeting to represent the interests of the other members of the Lodge.

These meetings will generally be held at Gt Queen St. London or Zoom/Teams.

Items generally under discussion are the Installation meeting, Officers, Welfare and lodge work for the ensuing year, the master’s charity, and any other business.

The last general purposes meeting was on Teams on the 27th March at 6.30pm PM, to arrange the 2023/2024 program.

Agenda included:

  1. Worshipful Master and Officers for the ensuing year.
  2. Work for the up and coming meetings going forward.
  3. The way forward/150th anniversary.
  4. Any other business.


Lodge of Instruction

Royal Arch Chapter